Over the years, I have worked with dozens of couples to prepare them for their first dance, that all important part of the wedding ceremony. Often I don’t get to see the final result. However, recently I did attend a wedding where I had worked with the young couple, helping them to feel comfortable while on the dance floor. It became very apparent to me that the first dance is much more than just a little twirl around the dance floor, as all of the guests quickly gathered around in anticipation of this exciting moment. With phones held high, everyone prepared to take their photos and videos to record this special event.
The First Dance is really a sharing of a very special love between 2 people. It is an emotional gift you can share with your guests that will last with them much longer than a parcel in their pocket. Also, the experience of togetherness and confidence that you, as bride and groom, will go through in the process of learning a dance together can be one of the most enjoyable of your whole wedding experience. These are joyful moments to spend together and have fun in what may often be a very stressful time. So if you are anxious about that first dance or even contemplating not doing the first dance at your wedding, think about the benefits you both will derive as you make a final decision. Guiding couples to make their First Dance a memorable experience is one of the joys of being a dance instructor.