Have you considered the benefits of dance?


Learning to dance can be very intimidating at first but as with anything, commitment of time and practise will bring about great rewards. In a matter of no time your self confidence and self esteem will increase, bringing many joyful nights of dancing.  The benefits to learning to dance are extensive and reach far beyond the act of dance.  Your physical health will improve, mental acuity, self confidence, increased joy, social relationships and so forth.  Partner dancing has been recognized as one of the very best ways to ward off many of the aging brain diseases that have been increasing in our society.  Consider dance as a new activity for the new year and every year after that as it is a product that never loses value but continues to increase in value as you improve bring about a new level of self confidence and joy into your life.  Learn to dance today and let these benefits add to your life.

Happy Dancing!!

Dale Neale Dance